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Tree Trimming

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At Legacy Tree Trimming, we choose to carefully consider the characteristics and requirements of each tree. Our team of experienced professionals will thoroughly evaluate the project at hand to determine the best approach to trimming each tree with your goal in mind. We understand that often all it takes is a well-executed tree trimming to uplift the canopy, optimize the health of your trees, ensure safety and rejuvenate the aesthetics of the tree.


With our attention to detail and precision, you can trust in Legacy Tree Trimming to enhance the beauty and health of your trees while maintaining their natural shape and integrity. 

What is Tree Trimming?

a man wearing protective head gear while trimming a tree with a pole saw

Tree trimming is a fundamental practice in maintaining your trees and is primarily performed to uphold the shape and size of the tree. Overgrown branches can grow in different directions and become unruly, giving your tree an unpleasant aesthetic. Trimming these branches will improve the look of the tree and your property overall.


Beyond the aesthetic benefits, tree trimming also addresses potential safety hazards. Tree branches can grow into the side of your home, over your roof, or over power lines. Have your kids complained of the tree branches making noises at night? It's most likely due to long branches banging or brushing on their windows. Not only is this keeping your kids up at night, but it could potentially damage the glass. Similarly, long branches can not only scratch or lift shingles, but also create a perfect pathway for animals to gain access to your roof.


If overgrown or long branches become too heavy, especially during a storm, they pose a risk to damaging your property or causing injury. Trimming and removing branches not only contribute to the visual appeal of your tree but also enhance its safety.

Tree Health

Regular tree trimming promotes optimal tree health. Removing dead or diseased branches allows for better air circulation, sunlight penetration, and nutrient distribution throughout the tree.

Enhances Safety

Diseased or overgrown branches become weak and can break unexpectedly. Depending on the location of the tree, this can put your home, cars, kids, or even utilities (power lines) at risk.

Pest Control
Visual Appeal

Well-trimmed trees contribute to the overall beauty and curb appeal of a property. Proper trimming maintains a balanced shape & encourages the growth of vibrant foliage.

Pests love trees. With regular tree trimming, pest-infested branches are removed and prevent the spread to other parts of the tree. this is especially important if the tree is close to your home. 

Top Rated Tree Trimming in Austin

Legacy Tree Trimming is a top rated tree trimming and tree care company in Austin, Texas and surrounding areas. Check out our reviews from our customers!


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